Urajärvi Manor Museum
Museum is closed during the winter season.

8.06. -16.6. 2024
The guided tours are organised every full hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday through Sunday (last group leaves at 4 p.m.)
21.06.- 11.08.2024
The guided tours are organised every full hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday (last group leaves at 4 p.m.)
17.08. -1.09.2024
The guided tours are organised every full hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday through Sunday (last group leaves at 4 p.m.)
31.08. -30.09.2024 The ghost guided tours inside the museum are organised on Saturdays at 5 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.
5.10.-26.10.2024 The ghost guided tours are organised on Saturdays at the garden leaves at 6 p.m.
2.11.2024 All Saint´s Day ghost guided tour leaves at 10 p.m.

Single ticket 10 €
Reduced ticket 8 €
(students, pensioners, unemployed, veterans, children 12-18 years old, over 10 people groups) Children 0-12 years old free entrance.
Thematic guided tours 12€ / per person
The ghost tour 12 € / per person
Kartanontie 77
17150 Urajärvi
Check the address on the map:

We serve to all the visitors of the Manor museum and the culture park coffee drinks, snack and cakes. It is possible to rent the cafe and its other facilities for private events.
Marko Latvanen is the business owner. During its history, the cafe has offered refreshments and snacks to museum visitors, as well as pleasant conversations. In addition, the cafe can be rented for private events. Renting the tourist lodge and beach sauna located in the area is also currently part of the cafe’s activities.
Inquiries about accommodation possibilities directly from the cafe:
Inquiries and bookings:
phone 0400 777 717 or kähvila@phnet.fi
The cafe’s owner, Marko Latvanen, phone 0400 777 717 – also in the fall and winter season.

Guide prices for groups:
Group size: maximum 15 people/per guide
Guide, approx. 45 min 80 € + 8/10 €/person
Theme guidance, approx. 1 hour 80 € + 12 €/person
(when the group size is more than 10 people, the price per person is reduced). Guidance outside opening hours €80.
Upon request, we can organize the following guided tours for groups.
For more information about guided tours, contact us by calling 044 239 9759 or by sending an email to opastukset@urajarvenkartano.fi
From Urajärvi to the world – From the world to Urajärvi (45 – 60 min)
On the tour, you will hear what traveling was like in Finland and Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. How do souvenirs from a hundred years ago differ from today’s souvenirs? And where did you grab souvenirs from all over the world?
Style and art (30 – 45 min.)
In the interior of the museum, you can experience different styles and both well-known and unknown works of art. The tour also covers fashion from different eras related to the manor.
Under the spell of music (30 – 45 min.)
Siblings Hugo and Lilly von Heideman loved music, which is reflected in their home in many ways. On the music-focused museum tour, we tell, for example, how composers Richard Wagner, Edvard Grieg and Jean Sibelius are connected to the manor.
Ghost tour (approx. 60 min.)
Who was the White Lady? Who else haunts the mansion? On this tour, ghost stories connected to the manor will be heard at their locations.


Ghost walk (approx. 45 – 60 min)
The ghost tour, which has already become a tradition, can also be done outdoors! The tour goes through haunted places both in the yard and along the beach path.
Courtyard tour (approx. 45 min.)
There are a dozen buildings in the courtyard of the manor, which hide their own stories. Most of the buildings have also changed their purpose of use many times. In this round, we open their history.
Nature tour in Urajärvi village (60 – 75 min.)
The manor’s extensive park on the edge of the Natura area offers wonderful and interesting nature experiences, which on this tour can be enjoyed under the guidance of an expert guide, while learning new things together.
Meditation route (approx. 60 min)
A sensory-opening task path prepared by a Mindfulness instructor, which can be completed independently (material from the museum). It is also possible to get a trained guide for the group.
It is possible to drive a car about 100 meters away from the entrance and leave the visitor near the entrance and then take the car to the parking lot.
At the moment, it is possible to explore the main and side buildings of the manor with the help of a rollator and a wheelchair, but you must be accompanied by an assistant who guides you to lift the aid up or down 3-4 stairs.
In this case, the exit route is also different from the rest of the group.
Strollers and prams are left outside for the duration of the tour.
The museum premises are rather dim, as there is no ceiling lighting.
It is possible to borrow flashlights from the museum shop.
Guide and assistance dogs are welcome in the museum and assistants can enter for free.
In general, you can take your dog on a tour if you can carry it in your arms.
One of the mansions has a barrier-free toilet in the yard container building.
The Urajärvi cultural trail is not barrier-free, and guides are unfortunately not able to help.
Cafe Hugo & Lilly’s terrace has barrier-free access on this level. It is possible to reach the interior of the cafe by lifting the aid over three steps and over one threshold.
In addition to Finnish, guided tours are available in Swedish, English, Russian and Polish.
Children under the age of 12 always have free admission to the museum, and once a season everyone is offered the opportunity to visit the museum for free or with a voluntary admission fee.
There is still work to be done to make Urajärvi Manor more accessible. The Doors Digital Incubator for Museums project aims to increase the museum’s accessibility using digital methods, e.g. by renewing the manor’s website, adding QR codes and AR applications. The museum is only open during the summer, and through the winter time it will be possible to learn more about the museum through our website, which we will be updating.

Urajärven Mansion Museum
Kartanontie 77
17150 Urajärvi
044 239 9759
The Association of Urajärvi Manor´s Friends
Y-tunnus 2757391-7
Guiding and guided tours bookings:
Cafe Hugo ja Lilly